For Authors
Camera Ready Submission Instructions
Camera ready due date is January 20, 2016 – 5pm EDT.
Please follow all instructions closely. Failure to comply with formatting guidelines could result in delays in your paper appearing in IEEE Xplore and/or additional processing fees.
Copyright Form Instructions:
• An IEEE copyright form is required for all camera-ready submissions. Details of IEEE’s policy on copyright may be found on the IEEE website:
• On this page, you can find the IEEE Copyright form (PDF, Doc, and HTML) below ‘Viewable and printable versions of the IEEE Copyright Form’.
• Print and complete the IEEE Copyright form.
• When complete, scan it and email your copyright form to jarnau at ac dot upc dot edu — please use the subject “HPCA 2016 Copyright form”
Camera Ready Formatting Instructions:
• Authors are limited to 12 pages for the final version of their papers (including references). However, one additional page may be purchased (for a total of 13). The fee for extra page is 160 EUR and must be paid along with registration.
• Papers must be formatted according to the Submission Guideliness:
• The camera-ready PDF, however you produce it, must have embedded fonts to be compatible with IEEE Xplore formatting.
• The appropriate copyright code notice must be inserted on the bottom of the first page of the paper:
° For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
° For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 978-1-4673-9211-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 Crown
° For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 978-1-4673-9211-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 European Union
° For all other papers the copyright notice is: 978-1-4673-9211-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
PDF Requirements:
• When you generate your PDF file with PDF distiller please change the settings to insure your paper meets IEEE PDF specifications. Basic PDF distiller settings MUST be changed to:
° Optimized
° Acrobat 4.0 compatibility
° ALL graphics at least 300 dpi resolution (higher if preferred)
° ALL fonts MUST be embedded and subset
° Postscript settings DO NOT override distiller settings
° Page size is 612.0 x 792.0 points (8.5″ x 11″)
• IEEE PDF eXpress platform will be available to either convert documents into compatible PDFs or to test for compatibility with IEEE Xplore. Please validate your PDF using PDF eXpress (enter 36999X for the Conference ID): (PDF eXpress for HPCA2016 opens 7-December-2015)
Camera Ready Submission Process:
• Please ensure that all formatting guidelines are followed strictly.
• Validate your PDF document using PDF eXpress.
• Access submission site:
• Click on New Paper and follow instructions to submit PDF
• Updated versions of the paper can be re-submitted until January 20, 2016 – 5pm EDT